Originally Posted by gcianc
$999 pricetag off contract, $399 on contract... NO MARKET FOR THAT anytime soon.
2Ghz CPU i don't expect that mass-market in january '11. See Droid Incredible (which doesn't even run at full 1Ghz it clocks down to ~600MHz.. see system) and 4 hour battery life for a reality check. With what you're doing (to save a few bucks on a SMS plan) the battery life would be even less.
For what you're doing, you'd be better off changing to a more affordable network where you don't need to suck 50% battery/cpu to get the actual service you want.
Users such as yourself will ultimately kill Android in mass-market terms simply due to bandwidth suck. Once you're hooked on all that bandwidth and Verizon meters you it's game over.
You don't have a clue. My Incredible on it's worst day had at least 8 hrs battery life and with a few tweaks it usually gets 14 to 16 hrs with a 1500 mAh batt. It is also extremely fast and will be even faster with froyo 2.2.
In other words it is not slow , laggy , or outdated like your Imagio and my Imagio.