Originally Posted by gTen
How much does it take to wow you? I mean as far as specs this device beats any on the market..it certainly brings more to the table then the EVO did in comparison to what was out at the time.. being the Incredible...(I mean in general, not for sprint..for sprint it made a difference)
Well sprint may get those people who wanted an EVO but is out of stock for them, and some people want the keyboard for example, others want what the cdma version brings like LED, front facing camera and etc...
The biggest drawback as far as customers is sprint taking too long to announce it and lack of advertisement...>.>..otherwise I can easily see it outsell an EVO..
Yeah, they're making a major error not pushing this thing. The EVO isn't sold out ONLY because the phone was first with 4G, and great hardware. Samsung is advertising, but since Sprint:
-has the only version that is unique
-will make around 240 extra per phone over 2 years
-doesn't have any more EVOs
they should pounce on the opportunity to reel in more customers. They gained more customers than they lost for the first time in ages. Because they had a good product and didn't bungle the launch for once.