Originally Posted by gTen
both HTC wifi router and wmwifi router do ad-hoc only...
Correct... I looked into this a long time ago, and spoke directly with a company rep from WM WIFI and they said it will not broadcast in a way gaming consoles can recognize. I was/have been forced to share my laptop's Internet connection from my cell phone, which in essence masks the Ad-Hoc.
So... looks as though this mini-miracle is only available on Android devices; no surprise there, as WINMO is failing in many ways compared to the competition.
So, as SOON as I get my Droid 2 Thursday... and I'm making sure to show up at LEAST an hour early, I'll download the wifi tether app that supports infrastructure mode and get some Modern Warfare 2 goodness going all day long!!!!!
August 12th... Droid-2! Still undecided; but leaning toward purchasing, as a phone to "tide" me over (according to great advice from ckeegan) until truly remarkable devices are released from Verizon fully operation on 4G networks in 2012!