Okay, this should work to update your radio with out haveing to redo everything. Take the AKU 3.3 update utility and put it in its own folder. Then right click on it (you need to have Winrar installed) and go down to Winrar. When the secondary menu opens, select extract here. This will extract the upgrade utility. Take the nk.nbf (The Rom) file and move it to another folder. Then place the attached file in the folder where everything was extracted. Now double click on the MaUpdateUt_noID.exe. This will run the upgrade utility. Watch the screen when it reads your device to make sure it is only upgrading the Radio.
Edit: Looks like I will have to RapidShare it if I can't find it here. Or, just download the official sprint upgrade, extract it, and move the radio.nbf to the ectracted AKU 3.3 folder. You still need to remove the nk.nbf.