Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.80 (J2ME/MIDP; Opera Mini/5.0.3521/19.892; U; en) Presto/2.5.25)
Originally Posted by lovingHDTV
Question about the OC_Autov4.1 script.
I had been using the setcpuspeed-1.0d.cab, but just moved to the OC_Auto4.1 script. Everything was working with setcpuspeed, but I like the flexibility of the OC_Auto4.1 script.
I uninstalled the setcpuspeed-1.0d cab, verified it was gone. I then put the OC* scripts onto my storage card, and created a link from the storage card\OC_Auto4.1.mscr to \windows\startup
I then ran OC_Auto4.1_GUI.mscr and setup the settings I wanted, I chose not to setup a failsafe mode.
I then soft reset and used msm7kcpuspeed to verify the cpu speed and it is set to 528, not the710 I configured it for. I then manually set the speed to 710 and it stays there. I can see mortscript.exe running. Why isn't the cpu speed getting set to 710 (configured value) automatically upon soft reset?
Is there a way I can tell if the mortscript.exe running is OC_Auto4.1?
where do you have net rippers app installed? needs to be in default location on device not on storage card