Originally Posted by Timberwolf671
Do you want them semi transparent or just glass? Just one problem, if I make full glass you will not be able to see the text since you cannot control the text color for some widgets in MaxSense.
I would say Dinik only because dinik has that glass overcoat. Either way you go I would say what is bothering is that dark background around the widgets that should be removed and set to clear.
Its also on the
Data Settings widget (Your third screen cap) second to last widget.
Not to say I told you so to
EVERYONE but I knew you would take Maxsense to a place that other chefs simply couldn't and Im happy to say
Originally Posted by Timberwolf671
Tried just glass and doesn't work since I can not set the text color in widgets. Sorry
But I did change the home icons. Will play with the widgets later to see what can be done without lose of text depending on the background.
Ok not a problem!
It doesn't make or break your rom!!!