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Old 08-04-2010, 11:25 AM
XterierK's Avatar
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Re: Worlds First RED HTC EVO

Ok first of all I've already said that the camera quality looks like . THE flash makes it look it look orange and uneven. I did use painters tape, only idiot wouldn't. It has a nice clear coat and doesn't feel tacky at all. And for all the filling this thread wi hate please do a better job. This is the first time that this phone has been painted so of course its not gonna be perfect and look like the back of my phone is factory painted. Why would I spend so much on vehicle grade pain if I'm just keeping it for my self? And before you say " you selling it" I'm not anymore

Why dont you do better if you think you can, so I can go in your thread and tell you how shitty yours looks.

Last edited by WarChild; 08-04-2010 at 02:25 PM.
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