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Old 08-04-2010, 11:04 AM
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Exclamation New [old]ROM Coming Soon[back]

so, i'm not sure that people still use the vogue very often, but i have one sitting in my room gaining dust that i'm about to start testing/flashing to build roms so i can get back in the hang of things before i get a tp2 this weekend..

so, it's been about a year and 3 or 4 months since i've had WinMo to cook for and i've been using a droid[eris] for about 6 months now [by the way don't waste your money on the eris, droids are AMAZING though if you're not SET on winmo, remember you can run androidOS but they can't run WinMo..]

i was just wandering current cabs/oems that are popular for users and what you would possibly want in a ROM. if you want to tack on some suggestions they would be appreciated and i'll see that i can do everything to include it in a rom for you.

i'm cooking on win7 64bit (not that it really matters) and for a Sprint Touch (htc vogue) so if you fall under this category, let me know what you want and i'll do it. i'm not a first time cook and DID have success with my first rom (until i lost my laptop and couldn't update anymore) if you would like to search it, it was called infaROM.. which is what this one will be named.

anyways. the updater in ppck is running right now and i'm just waiting for it to finish to start. the sooner the suggestions come in the sooner it will be available!

happy [forum] browsing.

obviously i stopped using WinMo before the "marketplace" came out, now i'm not sure that roms are really needed haha, anyways. i'll skin to the best of my ability and see what i can do for you, sugesstions in general will be appreciated.
+htc touch (sprint)
-htc droid eris (verizon)
+palm pre plus (verizon)
+samsung continium (verizon)
+samsung facinate (verizon)

Last edited by infamousj012; 08-04-2010 at 11:18 AM. Reason: [edit]
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