Originally Posted by nayr1482
that would be sweet if you can look at the battery load. from our "testing" (lol) of just using our phones i dont notice any difference in life - and i guess at the end of the day that is all that is important to me. if we ever figure out a way to underclock while asleep...my guess is this will result in an additional 5 minutes of battery life =)
anyway - it would be great if we can figure out a dynamic OC and improve battery life - but I am not holding my breath
I don't see why this is even an issue. Rom to rom, we can negate the phones battery performance three fold. The transitions in sense have never been so fluent on my phone as they are overclocked, and even if it does consume a slight bit of battery, I would GLADLY hand it over any day for the positive outcome this software/script has given me. Not that it's irrelevent, but still... is it worth putting so much thought into? My phone is unbelievable these days and I run a full day without charging on heavy use. At between 16 and 20 hours use, I still have 30 to 50% life left... and I'm on ENERGYROM!! lol.
Originally Posted by MixIsMobile
dont know if this is due to the overclocking or not, but this has happened to me twice now
when i get a call while talking the screen shuts off, if i try to turn the screen on while talking it will not turn on, if i unplug the phone the amber light stays lit like it's still plugged in, i can still talk, but i have to reset my phone to be able to get back into it
this happen to anyone else, doesn't happen unless i'm talking on the phone, not sure if the 1st time it happened if i had it plugged in or not
My phone was doing this same thing with the setcpuspeed program. Yesterday morning, I hard reset for cleanup purposes, and installed the script rather than the program. The phone has been running great since. Are you using the program, or the 4.1 script?