If you get 50 people in a room, you will get 70 different opinions. I've found a rom I really like (can you guess what one?
) but then I make a few changes to the theme after loading it too.
Here is how it breaks down in my sad and twisted mind, so you mileage may vary:
Windows Version:
6.1: Fast and uses less resources, but doesn't have all the features of newer versions
6.5: Latest "official" release and has more features, but uses more resources
6.5.X: Tweaked versions of 6.5 that are feature rich, (on average) use less resources than 6.5 but more than 6.1, also some apps don't play well (not usually the major apps, just the small shop or home coder apps)
Interface (GUI/Shell/Whatever):
Windows: Stripped down for speed, not ease
Titanium: Still quite stripped down, but a minor menu to make life easier
Sense/TouchFlo(2d/3d): Several versions (do your own research), much easier to navigate but also uses more resources.
Interface Mods/Shells:
Max Manila: Very nice addition to Manila, but I believe no longer being developed (I might be wrong)
Cookie's Home Tab: My personal favorite. Fast and friendly
SPB Mobile Shell: A paid app, but a free demo is available. It's worth checking out.
PointUI: Sorry, I've not tried it
Wisebar Advanced Desktop 2 (WAD2): Another paid app. Can be very complex but also can do just about anything you can think up.
There are so many others I've forgotten about or skipped over. Keep searching.
As far as apps go; well, that depends on what you want to do.