I've been reading up on wifi tether site to see if they have any answers as to why the current issue with wifi tethering. It's been designated Issue 473 on their site.
Here is the link:
If you check out the bottom of the posts, that by downgrading to wifi tether 2.0.1 or 2.0.2 the SSID gets broadcast using the STOCK Kernel, however an IP won't be available, thus no inet connection...
I tried the above and it's true the SSID does show up on my ipad and ipod and I can connect, I just never get asked by wifi tether to grant access control and no ip is ever designated.
Bottom line: OMJ v2.1 Stock Kernel - No Wifi Tether (Sorta... I got SSID to broadcast but couldn't connect.. Maybe some1 else might figure it out..) Here is the link to all of wifi tether versions:
OMJ v2.1 w/Kernel - THE BEST WAY TO GO NOW.. Just make sure you do the camera thingy before you flash over..
Read Issue 473 (comment 3) at wifi tether, they mentioned that netarchy's work around was a downgrade to the kernel in order to make wifi tether work?
As long as it works, downgrade, upgrade, sidegrade, jump up and down and move it all around, for all I care.. IT WORKS... Thanks netarchy...
What I did:
1 - BACKUP with ROM Manager
2 - Wiped (used charmin): Cache (2x), Dalvik Cache (2x), Data (2x)
3 - Flashed Phone Crap load of times from stock to w/kernel back to stock and settled on Flashing back to w/kernel (BEST BANG FOR YOUR BUCK - Thx OMJ.. GREAT ROM)
4 - DATA Restored via CLOCKWORKMod Recovery.. Since I had the PRE-RELEASE version over the weekend. I already had FROYO Data..
To do a DATA Only Restore from ClockworkMod RECOVERY menu do this:
4a - within the ClockworkMod Recovery, select "nandroid"
4b - now select "Advanced Restore"
4c - pick whichever your latest backup is.
4d - "Restore data" is what you wanna pick
4e - down, down, down, down a few more times and select "YES - Restore Data"
4f - ALL YOUR Sheeat should be RESTORED as if Nuttin ever happened..
4g - I had Camera Issues Again.. So I ReFlashed Netarchy's Kernel and tried again. Still no go.. So, (In panic mode at 12:20am, having to wake up at 5am to go to work..) I decided to go to APPLICATIONS and find CAMERA (Listed under ALL). I deleted DATA. Wooaaalllaaa... That did the trick.. NOw EVERYTHING WOrks..
BTW: Yes, I've been trying to post this msg for the past 1hr.... Thats why it's soo long.
Later ppl... Keep them phones nice and warmed up, cuz we be flashn' all week long....