Originally Posted by XterierK
Well, its actually more than the battery cover..
its also the frame around the cover, like the white evo.
And thats the buy it now price -_-
action started at 450..
Well if its like the white one what makes you think anyone is going to buy it for that price when they can go to best buy and get for 199? I do like the red though, nice job
Originally Posted by freeza
Wow that actually looks pretty cool lol
It does look kind of cool
Originally Posted by freeza
It's not that people are hating, it's just that you're trying to rip people off with a buy it now price of 800, an initial price of 450 (retail), and promotion to boost the actual auction, all for a painted battery door and outer trim. If that's not ripping people off, I don't know what is.
I could never understand the need to make a quick buck at others expense, which is why I was even more  ed at the price the Google I/O EVOs were going for. I mean if one could afford to go to the Google I/O conference to begin with, one wouldn't think the person was in that much need of money that they would purposely try to rip people off by selling a phone for 400 dollars more than the retail price.
The google I/O thing I can understand since the phone wasn't officially released yet and something is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it. If I had a goolge I/O phone and started the bidding at $.99 it would have still sold for quite a bit if I listed it early enough. Its all about supply and demand
Originally Posted by XterierK
I'm atleast expecting to get what I paid for it..which was $500. If it sells for that I'm happy, and for more well.. more money to pay of college debts..:/
Are you serious?

If you are so conserned about college debt then maybe you shouldn't have spent $500 on a phone in the first place.