Originally Posted by juancaperez2000
excuse me OMJ i found this, i try Netarchy Stock .6 room and i can use *2 for call to Sprint is showing me Sprint Zone options, but you don not have that app i think thats why we have FC dialing on that way
I'm gonna guess it's the sprint_promotion.apk, I've attached it, try it & report back...you can find all the removed sprint apks on post #1
Originally Posted by That0neUser
Which version of Wireless Tether is included with the ROM with custom kernel? Is it still 2.0.5 pre2 or the newer pre6?
Originally Posted by ddark4eva
Nice OMJ on top of his game, now b4 i finally come to 2.2 jus need to make sure themes are working
soon, I'll be cooking a deodexed version of my rom, but I'm still waiting for the updates themes for froyo
Originally Posted by subzero1313
Bah, I flashed the customer kernal not realizing the cam was capped at 3 MP. My laptop just died, I don't need wifi tether currently. Can I just reflash the other kernal?
here ya go...
Originally Posted by litlepyro
I got this error again on the re-upped version of the stock kernel rom. Just an FYI..... is anyone else experiencing this?
that's odd, I dont see anyone else reporting....any change?
Originally Posted by iknowsquat
It's advised that you keep all software up to the latest versions.
The flash order woul be ROM/radio/wimax.
OMJ has the ROM and radio packaged together so it does it for you. Reboot after the radio then flash the wimax update.
actually I did not include the radio in either ROM, instead I made the custom & stock kernel version...
Originally Posted by cuban4lf
ok quick question. if i flash new rom with kernal then deside to flash another custom rom does kernal stick on device ??? or do i have to reflash everytime i flash another rom ??
yeah, kernel is part of the rom....u flash another rom, u get whatever kernel is in that rom
Originally Posted by xfreak44
how can i check my Wimax version? how do i install it?
adb shell
Originally Posted by buck12
can I do this from rom manager?