Originally Posted by slopokdave
I'll keep pointing this out till the cows come home......
Even though the media mis-construed the "leak", many unsuspecting users like yourself downloaded it thinking it was the "manual method."
HTC never meant for the "manual method" to be downloading the file from their servers, to your PC, etc though. They meant to manually request the phone to check for software updates, versus them pushing the update notice to your phone.
Anywho, all on you guy... can't blame HTC nor Sprint. I saw in other posts that HTC told the .3 users to go to the Sprint store and ask for a manual downgrade. I'd try that first, otherwise, HTC will help you pick up your pieces very soon.
So you are implying that the news sites were told days in advance that there would be a "leak". Or are you saying they miscontrued the test download as an actual release. The "leak" as you call it was the download for the websites to test the OS, as it was a near final version. Im shocked that they did not account for users being able to upgrade past this version.