What's normal! It depends on the user, condition of the battery, how much playing you did with the phone. And yes I think there is a memory leak with MaxSense. Not to bad, just depends on what you are doing. A soft reset will always bring the phone back to full available memory, CleanRam doesn't. Next release from Maxycy should clear up several issues that we are seeing on this release. He has been on vacation is part of the reason for slower releases.
Originally Posted by Jim8181
TW, I forgot to ask if this was normal:
Took phone off charge and used it for 4 hours. Texting (8-10), surfing (20 minutes), calling (2 short calls), changed wallpaper, explored the rom a little. Memory went to 19 without any reboots. Then I ran clean ram (level 3) and it went up to 27. Then did a reboot and came back up to 42.
Battery dropped to 58 in that time.
And you ate up all of my "thanks" today!

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