Originally Posted by WoZZeR999
This is the WM6.1 (earliest I could find) GSM RHOD OEMDrivers and XIP. PM.dll is in the XIP.zip file.
I'm looking through the nk.exe again, and I see it does Interrupt Masking, could this be causing the issues for sound and 3d? Here's the exact text line from the nk - '[K][GuardDog][Interrupt_MASK] owner proc: %s, cur proc: %s, thrd: %08X, int_id: %08X, masked?'. It seems to mask a few other things as well.
Thats just a text line i think. If you see the address 0xc0000010 being modified then that might be worth a look.
Check out the wiki on the topaz section. We have a dump there of the whole VIC section there. If the asm you see matches some of those values, let me know and we can take a look.
Do you have a link for 6.1 CDMA rhod files? i'm interested in comparing the nk.exe to the 6.5