Originally Posted by shane6374
I didn't see the HTC one's in that file. I've moved plenty already into folders in there. I just can't find the HTC or Office Mobile ones.
If you want to take a look, I'll post the file.
Those are usually done via provxml. Look in your kitchen SYS files for:
mxipupdate_office_100.provxml & mxipupdate_onenote_100.provxml & mxipupdate_office_lang_0409_100.provxml
C:\1_kitchens\HD2\RUU_Leo_1_5_TMOUS_2.13_III\OEM\R HODIUM\0409\OperatorPkg for mxipupdate_oemoperators_108.provxml or a similiar file.
Not sure about the TP2.