Re: 8/2/10 V10 MaxSense Public Release Beta 3 see post #1865 for download
some notes on beta 3 (I know, I know)
flashed without issue. As usual, phone, mms, sms, all appear to work fine.
Now for some notes:
1) I couldn't change the home wallpaper. I hit lower right button, selected new wallpaper but it didn't appear to take. Tried soft reset with same results. Tried pictures in the main storage wallpaper folder and my wallpaper folder on the storage card (which worked on beta 2).
2) I set some quicklinks (on the quicklook page) to bookmarks and when I went to them, the title of the page showed up below the generic bookmark icon. the problem is that the name overwrites the top of the icon below the bookmark. BTW, is there a way to change the size of the quicklink icons on the quicklink page?
I also asked Big about possibly looking at making landscape for maxsense the standard sense landscape page. He seemed open to discussing it with maxy!