Originally Posted by bboyneko
People who try and say the Samsung Display is on par with retina need new glasses. iPhone4 screen is RIDICULOUSLY beautiful and crisp, especially on tiny text.
Pentile technology is a horrible idea..whats the point of having a high resolution screen if the technology limits sharp detail??
You're comparing resolution with a lighting technology, which is apples to oranges (excuse the pun). I would LOVE a 640x960 super amoled screen, that would be awesome. I like the brightness and the fact that the colors "pop" out at you on the Vibrant. It really is amazing. With a larger screen and lower resolution, of course it will never be as crisp, the PPI on the i4 is insane!
Personally I prefer the Super Amoled WVGA over the i4 screen, but it's just preference, there is no "better"