Originally Posted by GaryMcQ
Doesn't yours open up all of the wallpaper pics when you tap on Weather Wallpaper? Mine does.
OR, since this has CHT on it, can't you just go to Menu from the home screen, and then Set Wallpaper? Here you can set it up for multiple variations.
Yeah that is where I assumed he was going to do that.
Originally Posted by cmajewsk
Doing it from the home screen (Menu>>Set Wallpaper) produced the correct screen. I always went to Settings>>Personalize>>Home tab wallpaper via Sense to get to this. Guess it doesn't work that way anymore.
Glad you got it all figured out bro.
Ok so on to my not so much of an issue, but more of curiosity. Does any who uses: Advanced config, BSB, or HD Tweak ever set the power saver option to on?? I have been doing this for some time now with all the ROMs I have been flashing. Just out of curiosity I wanted to know if anyone else was also setting this option to on. I usually get about 14 to about 15 maybe 16 hours of battery life with a little above moderate usage when setting this option to on. Just wondering if anyone else was also doing this??