I recently received a replacement TP2 on a warranty issue and having been using the opportunity flash to my hearts content. At first I thought there might be an issue with the various Roms I've been flashing because a few of my standard GPS apps are unable to locate me. Two weeks into my new phone, I'm beyond the point where I suspect the Custom Roms as the culprit.
Currently I can only locate myself on Google Maps and through the weather tab. Bing, Copilot Live8, and GPS Sports Tracker are all unable to locate me. These were all programs I used regularly prior to my replacement. Right now I'm running the most stable version of Energy (21911?).
On a side note, when downloading satellites I notice that it says "Download Time 02/08/10" Several months off....but this is consistent no matter what Rom I flash. The Valid time never counts down.
EDIT: The Valid time is counting down, but the download date remains the same.
So do you think my "new phone" is defective or have I overlooked some setting to get my GPS to function properly?