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Old 08-02-2010, 12:10 PM
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Re: Linux/Android on CDMA Touch Pro -- Now working on Verizon! And with GPS!

Originally Posted by makkonen View Post
I wouldn't totally rule it out, but my hunch is that confirmation bias is playing a big role.
To be honest, my first thought there was that the project has come a long way very quickly. If the build wasn't exactly the same between the first and the second trial then the operational characteristics - especially between 2.1 and 2.2, for example - would be quite different.

I'm on a Raph800, but saw no difference moving from Mighty Mike's 6.5 to Sprint 6.1 stock. I have since installed the MS 6.5 bluetooth stack on 6.1, and while that doesn't seem to have any effect I could conceive of different drivers causing different things to be enabled/disabled/low power/etc. on initialization.

Since I come from a hardware background I was thinking the hanging poster might have some bad RAM that is only addressed at the high end, this was a problem in my old Treo that I could only expose with Chattermail. Unfortunately it's almost impossible to prove to the clerk at the store for insurance, since after they reset the phone the problem goes away for a few days. Hopefully for his sake it turns out to be the addressable memory space, which is a happy coincident number.

Originally Posted by makkonen View Post
On another note, I use the built-in power control widget to toggle wifi, and it does all I need. I've used other toggle widgets, and they don't seem to provide any further functionality.
There is a 1x1 widget somewhere, so that's a little advantage if you have a bunch of stuff on the home screens. I will admit that since the last refresh of my build I haven't bothered to go back to market to find it again.

> Something about 3D:
I had tried a game from the market, something like Jumpy Ball 3D or the like (searched "3D"). Prior to the 3D drivers, it was very skippy. After the 3D drivers, it was perfectly pleasant and really stupid, plus the forward/back axis was reversed, so I deleted it. It was a nice quick test of the 3D drivers since I got to see it work, and not work, based on the state of the drivers in Android.

Since 2.2 has gotten pretty stable I haven't had any issues running 3D things from the market - in fact almost no performance issues at all, except some of the stuff designed for Evo etc.

As always, I feel obliged to say you guys are doing an amazing job.

XDAndroid RC2.whatever

Last edited by tdcrone; 08-02-2010 at 12:11 PM. Reason: Insert carriage returns
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