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Old 08-02-2010, 08:28 AM
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Re: Overclock TP2 in WM?

quickdraw. Mine was doing the same thing and i overclocked mine to 710 and under clocked the sleep time while changing the polling to 150. My phone has been good. I also turned off the phone going into lock on standby and just lock it manually and so far so good.

I also noticed that using the S2U2 application locks up my phone (this was before the overclocking). I was wondering if anyone knew if their is a setting change that I need to do to prevent S2U2 locking up my phone when it goes into sleep. It didnt start doing this until mid June releases of NRG. I still like the old school ROMS so I am using the 21911 cookie versions and it locks up. Any help would be great thank you.
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