Originally Posted by Sapo2112
Is anyone running a task killer on their X? I have read that some swear by them and others swear against them.
It seems it's pretty black and white one way or the other, but want some input. Currently, I am not using one. Will it improve performance by using one or will it just create problems.
I'm using Advanced Task Manager (Free). I don't use any of the AutoTask Killers, but I do like to keep an eye on what's running, and will use ATM to manually kill things from time to time.
However, I've found that no matter what I do, my X kind of stabilizes around 50Mb free. If I kill some tasks, it will pop up to as much as 157Mb free, but as I use the phone, it just dwindles back down to the 50Mb mark.
I also haven't seen any discernible difference in responsiveness. I don't know about battery life... I'm never that far from a charger