Originally Posted by stanglifemike
I've tried those in the 5 pack from Radioshack, and while they do protect your screen, they scratch so easily that your screen is barely legible after 2 weeks. A Zagg or Clear Protector screen protector last for years without a single scratch on the screen protector. I have found that if there is more than 1 screen protector in the pack then normally it is junk and they know it will scratch easily. The 2 companies that I mentioned give you 1 and if it ever scratches or peel up then they replace it for free for as long as you have that device.
Radioshack now also offers a higher-end line of cut your owns as well, made by point mobile. They come in clear and mirror finish. I'm rocking the mirror finish right now and, while it is by far the highest quality screen protector i've ever used, the mirror noticeably impairs the screen in terms of brightness and color. Not a deal breaker, but i can see that being a turn off for some people. It does look bad ass as hell when the screen is off, though.