Originally Posted by rdjones7
Swinn - I am relatively new to the ROM flashing process but once initiated you get hooked into finding what works best. =D> I have now gone through about 8-10 roms for my sorely ram crippled Verizon TP and found your ROM @ 57M the most reliable and closest to stock rom after fresh install. Having had SPB on stock rom I wish titanium had just a bit more particularly for project/task mgmt otherwise great for one-hand use. Great job on this ROM!! I hope to see a version higher than 23569 based on this work & hope to learn more about building my own rom over time and will share as you have done.
Thanks for the comments. Yeah titanium doesn't have much in the way of task management. I use the built-in task manager. I think I have it setup so if you hold the back button for a few seconds, it will launch.
The COM5 (235xx) build appears to be dead so I wouldn't expect another update for it. The COM3 branch does get an update every so often and the only thing really missing from it is the threaded email.