Originally Posted by OMJ
are these speeds on 3G or 4G? cuz if it's 4G, that's not very impressive
if you're on my froyo rom , u really should be using the updated wimax...it is meant for this rom....and from what I heard your speeds should be better.
I have the last wimax radio if by chance you wanted to go back
thanks bro!!!
hey, I even picked up 4G yesterday in Orlando, though the market is not hot yet....so that's what the icon looks like, lol

I gotta wait for 4g in Miami... There might be test areas but I'm not sure where? i've heard that by the end of the year 4g is supposed to be up and running.
the kpbs speeds I had posted were 3g speeds... I don't get 4g.. Well I get a ghost signal or somethig in my building downton.. I just never connect. It tries to connect, but Nothing..