Help With Sigan Guys and Gals
I have the Verizon tp2 and its a great phone. Now let me explain my problem, I like about 4 maybe 5 miles away from the nearest tower with 3g. I use my phone for my home internet connection (hehe about 80Gb this month). I can move the phone throughout the house and my signal varies from just 1x to round 100kb/s 3g. I have been downloading a file and watching my network connection in the task manager. It is constantly changing from 3% to 19%, I know that the dips are from the phone losing connection with the tower. I would like to know if there are any radios i could flash for better signal cause one night i was pulling almost 200kb/s for about a min then i moved my hand. Anyway im on verizon and im not sure how to flash a radio on this phone.