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Old 08-01-2010, 05:11 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.2 Custom ROM v2.0 | FroYo | *Updated | 7/31/10*

someone else @ XDA said this made a world of different, I'll have to update in my next release.....thanks!

Originally Posted by jelive View Post
For those with music-streaming sounding bad I can confirm that this works to cleanup the sound. Credit goes to:

Here's what I did. For those following these steps, the file locations on your computer may be slightly different.

On Windows:
1. Open Command Prompt
2. Type cd [location of tools folder in android sdk] Example cd C:\android-sdk-windows\tools
3. Type adb pull /system/build.prop c:\build.prop [This will place build.prop in your C Drive]
4. Using any text editor, open the file, make the necessary change (change media.stagefright.enable-player to false), then save.
5. Type adb remount
6. Type adb push c:\build.prop /system/build.prop
7. Type adb reboot
8. After reboot to verify that it is disabled, type adb shell getprop

After a few scrolls, you will see the following:
[media.stagefright.enable-player]: [false]

This means that everything was done correctly.


you can also make the change temporarily to see if it helps....

Originally Posted by cnunez1987
When I installed Froyo on my N1, I found that streaming quality over Pandora suffered tremendously; low-quality was unbearable, and high-quality sounded worse than low-quality normally does. The change to StageFright from OpenCore is to blame here, while it improves HTTP streaming, it's AAC decoder doesn't decode LC-AAC streams properly.

To disable it temporarily, use
adb setprop media.stagefright.enable-player false
and restart any applications actively playing anything. To disable it permanently, pull build.prop from /system and change the value there. When you restart, it should be disabled; use adb getprop to verify.

Of course, the phone needs to be rooted for this to happen, as r/w access to /system is required.
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