Originally Posted by 937dytboi
I see MS has big plans of selling tons of wp7 phones but where is the marketing, The phone should be out later this year but i see no commercials or advertising anywhere. I believe thats one strong point for apple they have a strong advertising department.
But it seems to me that things are being rushed for the debut of the WP7, hopefully this phone will run smooth and everything works at your touch without any hesitation.
They can't fire up the commercials too early. They would get the general public excited about it and then find people losing interest because they can't yet buy one. For the geeks of the world and people generally interested in new things, Microsoft has the web site. It is very active and it is directed at the leading edge buyers. Apple doesn't kick in the hard sell until the product is at least a month away from purchasing. Apple does the early pings to stoke interest with the fanboy club just as Microsoft is now doing with the web site.