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Old 08-01-2010, 12:46 PM
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Re: DO NOT!! install the leaked HTC froyo

Originally Posted by dbldwn02 View Post
I just hope when the "Final" version comes out I can update to that, since I already updated today.

I swear, HTC leaks this stuff on purpose to see if there are any bugs. That way no bad press can float their way if our phones get messed up.
I have also come to this understanding myself we are unsuspecting lab rats in an experiment. this is the complete and final build of the rom but only so much information can be gained from lab testing so on to phase 2... field testing..They don't want anyone to be aware that this is the final version because now they need actual real world application..everyday use to encounter senerios they wouldnt normally be able to think of to produce in the lab..we have all just become new lab assistants..Interns to be since none of use will be paid for our services..Htc issued those staements so no backlash or public out cry can hold any ground...all they will say is i told you so..then release another final "final" version that complete resolves most if not all of our issues..and they are going to say this is the one we wanted you guys to have all along as if they were themselves already aware of most of these classic
Dont thank me, thank JESUS, but if you insist.....