Originally Posted by lunee42
I installed transparent clock and pannels... they worked great... but I have decided to go back to the regular non-transparent clock and pannels... I uninstalled the Cabs.. the pannel uninstalled fine and appeared again... the Clock however says it can not be uninstalled completely and remains transparent... HELP PLEASE
easy fix whenever you have a app that does that you must and this will sound crazy but i can point out a 100 post stating the same lol
go to remove programs
uninstall app.
you will get a prompt saying the app was not completely removed and it will ask you if you want to remove from list of apps
install the app again.....i know crazy but do it
it will prompt you saying this app is already installed,would you like to remove it and install application? say yes
after it should prompt you to soft reset the device and your stock clock should appear as was,if by chance your not asked to soft reset after installing app. then soft reset the device and all should be well upon boot.