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Old 07-31-2010, 11:43 PM
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Re: -..-BharS-..- 5.2.23127|PROJ_BS|2016|GENERIC|UC_NET|31-Jul| V18 |Co0kie|Black|TI

Ive noticed a few bugs in V18 and one is the old bug where u cant rearrange the home screen manilla tabs, the music tab and the music player from the CHT dont seem to work for me yet either. Windows media player works great with my 16GB sdcard, but the manilla music tab still freezes the music after about 30-45 seconds, and im having an issue with landscape also and ive made sure that it is enabled in tweaks.
I do love the new folder icons and the whole new icon set and the extremely nice and clean look of the rom overall. and am sure that once these 3 bugs, manilla music tab player(sdcard issue),lanscape issue in manilla,and the ability to rearrange the manilla tabs. Once these bugs have been worked out then the rom should be great, but until then i think ill flash back to V17.1CHT for now simply because it had less bugs.
I do want to use V18 whenever u get some cab fixes or release a V18.1 or V19, whichever comes first, but for now V18 just has too many issues compared to previous releases. Its still a great romand i love the new icons and look and once the kinks are worked out ill be the first to flash back.But for now im goin back to V17.1. Thanks again for the release. Its still a much better rom than most but i dont think its quite as good as V17.1 yet.But im sure if anyone can get it there or improve upon it its u. Thanks again AI. appreciate all the effort and time. Your roms are still by far superior to others in almost every aspect.Cant wait for some fixes or a new release.
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