Originally Posted by delacupcake
I'm stuck here:
"6) When you select bootloader, it will show you more options. Don't pick anything at this time, just wait. It will read your storage card. This takes about 30secs and there is a progress bar on the top right. It's reading the PC36IMG.zip file you placed on the card."
It's been sitting here for 10 minutes and it's not asking me anything about updating or anything.
Any suggestions?
Well there is no Step 6 and the step you describe can occur at a number of different steps.
However regardless of the step:
If you put the file on your card and it did NOTHING then your file is not named correctly.
If it read your file but did not ask you to update then your file did not download completely. Look at the file sizes that Fast has on Post #2 and verify you got a complete DL.
If you're still stuck then post what software you're on and what step exactly.