Originally Posted by kyler911
Before I Flash this new rom does this have the awesome Froyo keyboard not the stock one. If not where can it be found? Because i cant stand the keyboard on ava's froyo rom.
The keyboard looks the same as 2.1. Google can't find an apk

Either this build isnt final or that kb never made it into the final build.
Originally Posted by Ticklemepinks
I'm currently on Damage Control 3.2.3 so can i just flash this without changing the radio or wimax...or if I do have to change it back, which are the correct radios and wimax for damage control???
You can flash without the upgrades if you are just going to test but if you are going to get the full functionality out of the ROM then you should upgrade the radio and wimax. Not sure what radios DC is using, you can look under Software info in Setting to grab radio and type
in adb shell to see your wimax version.
Originally Posted by busventinc
I would love that blue theme you had for 1.9 on 2.2 as always OMJ great roms thanks for the hard work
The ROM is not currently deodexed and it's been reported that konikub said he would have to tweak his themes for Froyo. Stay tuned...