Originally Posted by S2W
Thanks, drew and dapbmonkey for taking the time to test the theme. I do appreciate the efforts made and the quick reply.
Yes I had to sort of play with the divider. In a way your forced to use it analog style instead. I do apologize but, trying something different than the usual flip clock look (which nothing is wrong with flip clock look).
Its still a work in progress... but if you guys think its ok to release as is... I would do so.
Drew its a shame you can't try the slider...
Again thanks... and thumbs up to those who test and gave feedback!
Im still at work...
I for one think it is ready to release I will be using it, like I said I do not use the dual clock options. I was surprised that NRGZ28 had his new ROM locked into the HD Mini lock screen......oh well maybe I should try another ROM eh?.....Thanks s2w!