07-31-2010, 12:31 AM
PPCGeeks Regular
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Re: Overclock TP2 in WM?
I've cabbed up oruam's utility for those that would like it.
The CAB (as of 1.0d) should install everything you need to get going, including copying the Msm7kClockLib DLL to the Windows path.
The installer will ask whether you want to install to the Device or Storage Card; it does not matter which you choose as only support files are installed to that location. "Storage Card" is recommended, just to keep everything together and tidy.
* This CAB forces installation of certain files to \Storage Card\Program Files\SetCpuSpeed for safety purposes. If your locale doesn't use \Storage Card for the SD path or you don't have an SD card this CAB won't work for you.
* Use the SetCpuSpeed shortcut in your start menu to set clock speeds and modify the polling interval. (requires MortScript)
* Modify the polling interval (CheckTime) with caution. If you're experiencing SODs you can attempt to lower it from the default (200), but beware that this comes with a price of increased CPU usage of the SetCpuSpeed process. So far those with SOD issues have had some luck with a value of 150.
If your device fails to boot due to an unstable clock speed, pull the SD card and soft-reset. After WM boots completely (and you get the error message about SetClockSpeed not being found) reinsert the SD card, run the SetCpuSpeed shortcut from the start menu and choose a lower speed.
Huge thanks to oruam and everyone else working to make this stable, the script was great but now that we have a native process it's even better! Without the MortScript overhead we no longer have the 1-2% constant CPU utilization and can squeeze even a few more MHz out of our Msm7k's. 
Uninstallation/Upgrade procedure:
Killing oruam's process causes the device to hang, and because the uninstaller kills the process to remove the executable...well, you see the problem I'm sure. 
To easily uninstall (or upgrade) the CAB without problems perform these steps in order:
1) Pull SD card
2) Soft-reset
3) After WM/Sense/etc has loaded completely (and you get the error message about the shortcut target SetCpuSpeed.exe not being found), insert the SD again
4) Uninstall or install new version of CAB
* SetCpuSpeed-1.0d.cab
- Installs the required DLL (from Netripper's Msm7kCpuSpeed v2) to \Windows
- Queries user for initial settings and starts oruam's utility after installation, no soft-reset needed
* SetCpuSpeed-1.0c.cab
- Added polling interval (CheckTime) setting to GUI
Post on XDA: http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...postcount=1000
Last edited by aguenter322; 07-31-2010 at 09:56 PM.
Reason: Updated CAB