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Old 07-30-2010, 10:53 PM
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Re: 7/29/10 V10 MaxSense Public Release Beta 2 see post #1789 for download

Originally Posted by kgnupe2 View Post
Well TW I have no complaints you have done a glorious first crack at Max sense the only thing i was goin to ask for is more memory but once you switch to dynamic it will make more memory and make the phone more responsive, landscape doesnt work but its a first draft im not expecting it too work, now I believe the phone is near perfect but could you add some generic backrounds that are maxsense approved and im all in maxsense acts funny with my backrounds and makes the images grainy so I know you have some solid backround or some solid maxsense converted back rounds, And when you can get around to the landscape working but other than that Thanks in advance waiting on your next masterpiece.
Go here for MaxSense backgrounds, post #5

Yes memory is a problem and I am removing some programs, black 6.5.5 taskbar, adding dynamic memory (Don't know why it got changed back to 15mb's). CFC'd all manila files, set XDA_Shutdown as default HTCActionScreen. Memory is now at 71mb's on 1st boot. Will post a beta 3 tomorrow for testing with stated changes. Setting a default background still not taking on boot. Don't know about the landscape in my version on the home screen going to quicklink (all 75 of them). I don't think MaxSense home screen works in landscape mode yet. Will need to try a few other MaxSense rom and see if they have landscape working.
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Last edited by Timberwolf671; 07-30-2010 at 11:13 PM.
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