Originally Posted by ladyofthemist
i could get a TP2 and this got me thinking. Can I get a Bell Sim card and use it in an unlocked TP2? So far i have been reading that Bell doesn't have a GSM network which is what the TP2 uses but i know Bell just changed networks so i don't know if the new one would ally me to do this or not.
the TP2 does not only use GSM.. theres 5, yes 5, models for the TP2 - and even all 5 are both worldphones, meaning CDMA/GSM capable
2 CDMA - Verizon and Sprint
3 GSM - AT&T(called Tilt II), T-Mobiles, and HTCs unbranded unlocked device
if Bell uses CDMA, then get a cdma variant of the TP2 either Sprint or VZWs.. if Bell use GSM, but one of the other models...
no need probably to play around with SIm unlock and SIM cards..