07-30-2010, 12:57 PM
Wolf dog master, Chef
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Re: 7/29/10 V10 MaxSense Public Release Beta 2 see post #1789 for download
Originally Posted by ModmyPPC
Sometimes its just from me shutting the phone off. Or going to xda shutdown and hit the restart tab.
When The phone starts back up the link is broken. Its not connected to the computer or anything.
Ill have to see what exactly is causing the issue. Ill Unfortunatly I wont be able to check my phone until monday I will be out camping for the weekend.
I guess I should have said Album ARTWORK update doesn't work. The icon doesn't respond. Its in the upper right hand corner not of the widget but the actual tab. To get to hit slide the home icon to the left. Go to the music tab and look at the upper right hand corner.
Every song and works, music player and media player im talking about the album artwork update. I think it may be a max sense issue though not a rom issue. I think the link to the website were it access the album artwork doesn't work.
I dont like the the default too.
Where do I find the tool. maybe pm me or email me it and directions how to use it. I rather do it myself and not depend on you that way I can learn how to use this and maybe some day cook my own rom. Like I said before I wont be able to do it until monday or so
Find the artwork want , give them to me and I change the files and then give back to you as an example. Less time than trying to explain how to use CFC_GUI.exe. There are over two hundred manila files in MaxSense and in any order. You have to go thru each one looking for the file you want to change. Sorry I have been up for 36 hrs with only 3.5 hrs sleep.
 He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion