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Old 07-30-2010, 02:07 AM
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Re: Mandatory Bing update. Frustration!

Originally Posted by SporkLover View Post
It's funny because you are fickle. The other day you were singing the praises of Rhodium, WM 6.5, and your general satisfaction of choosing a WM device over Android.

Don't get me wrong, the Rhodium is a great device, but it didn't take long for you to want to switch.

Whether or not you (or any other user for that case) is not the point. Bing and the old microsoft live was a great product that offered great functionality. The new bing is crippled and is hardly an upgrade. Losing functionality and being forced to upgrade is hardly anyway to keep customers happy (as demonstrated by this thread)

Again, Sorry if what I posted had come off as being arrogant or anything like that.

Now back to the dude in the bra (who I find hard to even take seriously), Based on the fact that your signature implies that you "have an Evo", why is it funny that I want(ed) to switch to one?

and for the record, I decided not to go with the Evo, I am gonna jump to at&t (who I get a discount for due to working for them) and gonna grab up the Dell Streak.

Also, I still like the Rhodium and WM6.5 (and I am going to keep it to until my contract runs out with sprint in Aug. 2011), However, my problem is with the FUTURE of Microsoft, I have no want at all for Windows Mobile 7, and its "cookie-cutter" phones. I like custom phones that everyone can have them be their own, I want nothing to do with a bunch of phones that have to have the same layout

(really with the same layout what is the point of having different companies make them, might as well just have one company make ONE phone only for it).

and like I said, I am going to keep WM6.5 until M$ cuts ties with it, which I am sure won't be long after WP7 comes out. Also, since I am using the money I earned from my job, I can go buy 4 different phones from all 4 carries if that would suit me (I am not, but you get the point).

so just to recap:

-Still like the Rhodium
-Still like Windows Mobile 6.5
-Said new bing is fine for me (and understand why others don't like it)
-Most people here need to calm down and change the tampon
-Like how Android will let us keep our individuality
-Will have both WM6.5 and Android phones
-laughing at nerds that want to get upset over this whole posting. Seriously, its the internet, settle down little lads.
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