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Old 07-29-2010, 10:30 PM
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Re: HTC EVO 4G Android 2.2 Froyo Release 7/30

Originally Posted by Mystery View Post
I misunderstood your question. Well when the previous OTA dropped, people with rooted devices who did the update ended up bricking their EVOs, so I would say its better to be in a stock ROM and then do the update just to be safe. Thats if your friends don't care about rooting.
No, they don't even really know what rooting is. I don't get to involved with them in this regard because most would be to lazy to do their own work and would be having me tinker with it like I'm the phone Dr. Do you have any idea what resulted from these bricked devices as a result of the update? Did they get new ones b/c of an update failure? Just curious if you might have known anyone who had this happen to them or what the end result may have been.
"Blessed art thou, Griffon, whose beak hath rent no morsel of the sweet wood of this tree, for it grips the belly with a raging torment!" ~Dante
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