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Old 07-29-2010, 09:22 PM
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Re: HTC EVO 4G Android 2.2 Froyo Release 7/30

Originally Posted by Journeyjeans View Post
lol, why does everyone hate Unrevoked3? (Beside the seeming poor support)

Everything works as it should, I can flash ROMs (Yes, Fresh), I can back up Roms and Restore them, what's the prob? Is there beef between XDA and Shadowmite? Or is this a holdover from the WinMo (XDA) versus Palm (Shadowmite) days? jeeeeez, lol

Anywho, thanks OP, can't WAIT till it's rooted! I think I'll actually do the XDA version to see what all the fuss is about.
Google (Open Source)
XDA (Open Source)
Unrevoked (Closed Source)

I don't know about a versus but some people want to share and others simply don't. I seem to remember a lot of people losing 4g etc from running the unrevoked when the last OTA came out. I guess that's the risk you take when only a couple people even know what the code is and what is happening.
Phone: HTC EVO
Theme: Mixer
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