Re: RAM usage Too high after CHT
just reporting back after a little less than 24 hours on a rom with CHT and a 0 pagepool it does NOT solve RAM issues as was probably expected, but does make the phone lightning fast. Im sorry to say however, that it has actually gotten up to 90%+ ram at one point...basically it doesnt fully close out of any program. So the programs run smoothly especially if u only use a few regularly, but if you often do different things and switch between different tasks expect a few resets.
I think i will be sticking with it however just for the speed improvement. Another option would be to make a high pagepool like the 24 that chronster recommended, it'll allow usage to go higher but still prevent it from going 'too high' (but then again that depends on what you consider 'too high')
Moral of the story, lower pagepool may slow it down but will limit usage. Higher pagepool will make it faster at the risk of high RAM usage
Moved on to Motorola Droid 3 and XDA...ya'll kids have fun 