Originally Posted by jwiese
Been trying to find this searching through the MANY posts and couldn't find it, perhaps someone could point me in the right direction.
I love the Energy Reference on my Touch Pro 2 but would love to know how I can change the quick launch from 3 large icons wide to more and possible add more "pages" of quick launch icons like the full Energy ROM has. Is this possible, what do I need to do?
A pointer to a post/thread is fine, just couldn't find it.
You are going to have to change roms to get more quicklinks and pages of quicklinks, your going to have to change to a CHT rom to get that, so pick a 21xxx series rom <the most stable of the series> and find one with CHT and flash to that, all the roms are on the first page, would link you but like I said earlier my internet is running like crap.