Re: [TUTORIALS] EVERYTHING EVO - Rooting | NAND | Flashing Roms | for n00b's with vid
@Ryum -
I'm not going to quote your entire post because yours + mine will probably crash the server.
Also, I'm not going to try to convince you to root. Everyone needs to decide if they want to do that or not.
However, I'm a Project Analyst where I work. When someone makes a blanket statement about stuff, especially when there is evidence to the contrary, I need to respond. So, I would like to clarify one thing regarding this statement;
I'm seeing 40 pages of problems here, and I'm wondering if maybe the developer on this one didn't jump the gun on calling this a stable release
Rooting, and the process of rooting, whether it's the manual method I described here or using SimpleRoot, is perfectly safe and stable.
As far as the pages of problems, let's break that down.
This thread is currently about 1300+ replies. About 200 of those are merged threads where someone started a new thread about rooting or flashing or something that was already covered here. So you can eliminate 200 post.
Of the 1100 remaining post, about 500 of those are iknowsquat and myself replying to questions or issues people have. So, that leaves us w/ 600 post. Another 100 post for the people that said, "thanks this worked" and don't forget the idiot trolls that came in and added nothing to the thread.
So we're left w/ about 500 post.
When people have an issue, they generally post several times in the thread describing what's happening and where they're stuck. Some only post 2-3x's, others post 10x's.
So on average, someone having issues will post about 5x's in a thread. (Although one posted almost 30x's w/ issues.)
So if we assume 5 post per stuck user, that's 100 users w/ issues.
Of those 100, about 90 of them were able to find their user error and eventually root their phone. Notice the emphasis on user error. Go back and check the thread. Every time someone can't root, ultimately they find that they didn't check the file sizes to make sure they downloaded correctly or they renamed the file wrong or they forgot a step.
The other 10 either gave up or are still trying to find their user error.
This of course doesn't include the countless 1,000's that have rooted their phone successfully. Just check the post count on the rom threads. Here and at XDA there are probably over 50,000 post in rom threads because all those people are rooted and running custom roms.