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Old 02-21-2008, 07:20 AM
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Gettin' Freaky With It
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Help! Power button suddenely not working...

So I have had a weird couple of weeks, which is why I am totally perplexed by the issue that is plaguing my Touch. It started about a week and a half ago when I decided to install a couple of apps, which I cannot even remember the names of anymore. That is because I injured my back very badly and ended up in the hospital for 5 days, on a lot of very heavy duty pain medication. I am talking about Dilaudid and other medications that make your mind like jello...

So anyway, my Touch will not wake up from sleep mode. I cannot use the power button (on the top of the Touch) to wake up my Touch. After I soft reset I can use the phone but after 3-4 minutes of non-use, it will go into sleep mode and I cannot get it back unless I do another soft reset.

When I get calls, my Touch will wake up for me to get the call. The screen does not come back on for text or email messages though. I have unistalled the last 5 apps on the Touch, to ensure that I removed the questionable ones before my inury, but I still have the same problem.

Any ideas?
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