Originally Posted by boldaslove
I make a lot of consecutive calls at times for work, and randomly after I end a call, the whole phone will lag if not freeze for 5-7 seconds (as it returns to dialer upon end of call, I can even dial all the digits of the next call but the phone stays frozen and the digits show up very slowly, lagged way behind my input). This has happened on numerous ROMs, I'm wondering if there's some setting or anything that can remedy this?
Originally Posted by k000
Can someone please tell me how can I increase the number of rings before phone goes to VM please ? I am fwding Google voice to my TP2 (it has defaulyt rinder han comes with Pluto No Cookie) but I miss the call within 2 rings...
Unfortunately im n00b in dialers...
But I think it should be somewhere in this area:
here is a default settings (I just scanned all canvas regs for timing entries).May be somebody can figure it out
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\PhoneExtendFunction \CDMA]
"PhoneCanvas_RILInitInterval"=dword:000001f4 ;500 ms
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\PhoneExtendFunction \CDMA]
"OTA_SUCCESS_DELAY"=dword:00000bb8 ;delay 3000 ms