Originally Posted by tomc585
there was a music player (finger friendly type) when i first loaded this ROM (not the media player) I'm just trying to restore it. It would only play for 30sec or so then stop. The Tab to it then became corrupted some how and I really didnt want to do a hard reset to get it back. Also, i noticed the "start" button is disabled, how do we pull up the programs list? thanks.
im still confused, i never seen a music player on home tab after any flash on this rom..?? i have start button after flash as softkey...but i use software button hider to disable it (you have a start button hardkey)
Originally Posted by 8rotor8
Sounds like you didnt Task29 before you loaded the ROM, you are going to have to HardReset...
yea i was thinking this 2, but still like 2 know what music player on home tab he's talking bout