Originally Posted by dapbmonkey4u
CFC stands for ChainFires Compression. He created the manila tool that compresses manila files and as a side effect he did not plan for made manila faster.
you can read about it HERE
On another note I was messing around with the Flamerise tsk and learned that you are using Windows messaging as the HTC messaging has a blue gloss selector. I do not know what files are in the WM messaging. It is NOT tied to only the Black Flamerise but all themes. the only solution I could offer would to switch the WM messaging screen with one of these Themes
The only problem with those is that some are not 6.5x compatible and the Ninja one that would be perfect isn't yet. I took apart one of the 6.5x cabs to see if the files are similar to those in the rom I was running and there were no similar files WTF???
As of right now I am at a loss and will need to look further into but that thread is the only one for WM messaging themes.
So if you stick with HTC Messaging you are fine, only MMS will take you to the Windows Messaging.
Sorry I couldn't be more help.
EDIT: not perfect but this may work for now
The creator has it running on 6.5x. Just copy all the files into your windows folder and overwrite all of them. IF not able to let me know and I will cab it for you.
hey. sorry i took so long to respond. been really busy lately. thanks for the reply and looking into what the deal with the messaging thing is. i really appreciate it. i tried the htc messaging and everything is legible so that works for now. i looked into the link you posted for the other temp solutions but not really fond of the bubble style....toomuch like um...iphone... haha but thanks for the option.

i also checked out the CFC link. im not sure i completely understand it. im not to informed on how to modify rom files and such and that tool looks a lil complicated for me... but it seems as if you grab all the img files from manilla and compress them and since itmakes them smaller, the phone can load them faster which makes manila run a lil smoother??? thats what i gathered from reading it. is that somewhat what it does, along with other things?